Using your USGM address

See what your address can do for you!

in this section

  • What vDaak Addresses can and can’t be used for?


    This article will answer the most common questions about what a vDaak addresses can be used for. 


    Can we get packages sent to vDaak addresses?

    We provide physical, street addresses, so you can receive both mail and packages.

    You can then decide if you want to scan your letters, ship packages to other locations including overseas addresses, return items to the sender or shred unwanted letters. You can make these requests online from your Virtual Mailbox


    Do you receive packages and letters on Saturday and Sunday?

    No. Our business hours are Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm US Central Time (GMT-6). We cannot receive deliveries on weekends.

    Make sure to un-check Saturday and Sunday delivery in your order. Otherwise, your boxes will be left outside the building. We are not responsible for deliveries left outside our premises by shippers.


    Can I use vDaak address for my bank account or credit card?

    The answer is Yes and No!

    Yes, because most banks and credit card companies allow our address to be used on the account as your personal address.

    However, some banks have recently started asking for a personal address, which is not a CMRA (Commercial Mail Receiving Agency) address. In such cases, our clients provide an address of a friend or family member or their company as the personal address and their vDaak address as the shipping address. This ensures that no mail goes to the personal address as banks will use the shipping address to contact them, which is their vDaak address.


    Can I use vDaak address for a driver license?

    Yes. Many of our customers have used their vDaak addresses for their driver’s licenses.


    Can I use vDaak address for IRS?



    Do I have to pay Texas state taxes when having my v address here?

    No. US laws don’t make you liable for taxes in any state without living there. Having an address in the state does not make you a resident of that state.


    Can vDaak addresses be used for Registered Agent Service?

    No. We currently don’t offer Registered Agent Service. 


  • Can I use vDaak address for my bank account or credit card?


    The answer is Yes and No! Yes, because most banks and credit card companies allow our address to be used on the account as your personal address.

    However, some banks have recently started asking for a personal address which is not a CMRA (Commercial Mail Receiving Agency) address. In such cases, our clients provide a the address of a friend or family member or their company as the personal address and their vDaak address as the shipping address. That ensures that no mail goes to the personal address but comes to their Virtual Mailbox at vDaak.


  • Can I add or update addresses to receive my mail abroad later on?

    Yes. You can always update your address and add addresses easily via your Virtual Mailbox.


  • Can I keep my current address and still use the service?


    Yes, you can. When you sign up with us, you will get a new US address for your mail. Simply redirect mail coming to your old address via the post office to your new address with vDaak.

    As long as you keep redirecting your mail with the USPS- you have to renew the redirection every 6 months- you can keep using your old address.